Sunday, November 10, 2013

November 4, 2013

Wow, we still haven't gotten the x rays. We go to talca on Wednesdays for our district meeting. We stayed in Talca afterwards to go to our appointment at the Doctor. When we finally got in to see him, he listened to our lungs as we breathed, and looked at our eyes. Then he told us we needed to get an x ray. DUH! That was the reason we went to the doctor in the first place! The best part was the consultation was $60 each. It was one of the biggest wastes of time. So we still haven't gotten our x rays....
But the rest of the week was actually really good. We had a lot of success. I'm also really excited because we have a baptism this Saturday! C is getting baptized :)

Last week you asked me if the Chileans celebrate Halloween. The answer is yes actually. But it's not as big as in the US. It's kind of funny, in Chile they say "candy or trick" or "candy or garbage" or "candy or egg" I heard all three of them while we were our proselyting. The funniest part is they actually egg houses if they don't give candy. Maybe it's just because I'm from a small town, but I haven't really ever seen a house egged around Halloween. But Halloween isn't a huge deal here.

So we were in the supermarket today and a 98 Degrees song came on the radio. I was soooooo happy. It was a wonderful moment. I've also been indulging in the American candy and Oreos that this supermarket sells.

I also got a sunburn. The weather here has been really nice. We're not quite into summer yet, but the weather has been perfect, like in the 70s. We had a bit of rain recently, but it's spring so I'm not complaining. It was weird walking around on Halloween with the sun shining. Usually it's cold on Halloween haha

Right now we have 5 couples we're working with. None of them are married. In 3 of them, the guy is inactive and the woman is investigating. It's kind of funny. Hopefully in the next couple months we'll have 5 weddings :)

I've also been looking forward to Christmas! It's in the next transfer and this transfer is almost over! Two weeks! I'm 90% sure I'm getting transferred. So sure, in fact, that I've already started packing my suitcases. I want my last p day in Conti to be the least stressful possible.

Keep being awesome!

Hna Hutchinson :)

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